Kathy's Blog

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Absentee Ballot

I got mine and I am going to do all my voting tonight! This way I know I am going to get it done, and I can take all the time I want to read and make the wise choices. Something I saw on the news last night concerns me...why is it that some of the BIG decision maker states, like Florida, states that could sway the election, have such bad voting procedures. Waiting hours in the hot sun just to vote early and poling places knowing they won't be equipped for voter turnout on election day---already asking to extend their hours for voting. They have known for months that this would be a momentous voting year, people who have never voted are going to come out and vote and people who haven't felt the desire to vote are coming back...Then if one side doesn't win will they say it is because Florida (or one of the other states with voter turnout problems) will get blamed. I just think that the people in charge of getting voter places situated haven't done a good job...come on they only have to do it every 4 years! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


GO VOTE! You can vote early in some places, you can send away for a mail in ballot, and you can go vote in your local poll place on November 4th. I think it is very important to let your voice be heard this election. No matter how you feel about Republicans, Democrats, independants or whatever else is out there---you need to vote. I am guilty of not voting the last 2 elections, the last time I voted Clinton was elected. Aside from his bad personal behavior and clear marital problems while in the White house, he was a good president. He left us with a fiscal abundance (not the correct word, but I can't think of the right word) and he had good relationships with foreign leaders. Bush Jr...well, he isn't what many had hoped for. He isn't a younger version of his father. He wasn't a good president and he let a lot of things slide and become out of control. Anyway, Politically I find myself to be pretty liberal. I think woman have the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and I believe that no government should stick their noses in our private business. I think that this Country should have a clear division of church and state, so why is Prop 8 even on the ballot. I see commercials on lately that are humorous at best, but I don't think they are supposed to be funny. People actually getting on TV saying they are afraid their children will learn it is alright for a man to marry a man. Well, here in the state of California, we already have a law that says we can choose to have our children taken out of class during "family Life" or health instruction that we don't approve of. We even have to have our curriculum set up at the district for all parents to see and approve before new books are bought for classes. And so what, if little John learns in school that little Suzi can marry Jenny if she wants. Being Gay isn't bad, nor is it something you can catch like a cold or learn. You don't learn to be Gay. Also, so what if they learn about other lifestyles in school---people who are Gay haven't learned to be heterosexual by just being around them or learning about heterosexual lifestyles in family life class. I don't see what the big deal is in all of this. Being Gay is just another way people love. I hope Obama/Biden win, just because I fear that McCain and Palin is just more of the same. Oh, and I think Palin is a scary person to have in office. I am sure she is an okay person...a soccor mom, a real Joe six pack kinda gal. Just what happens when a 72 year old president happens to die in office and we all live in a Country with President Palin...Palin and Ahmadinajahed (Iran guy) would do really well together since they both oppose anything Gay. Oh, wait---am I being too harsh? Palin did say during her debate with Biden that while she doesn't believe in redefining Marriage, she believes *they* should be able to sit in hospitals with their partners and that she is *tolerant* of Gay people. I sure am glad she can be so Tolerant. Everything isn't just about Prop 8 or being Gay or age...I often wonder what it would be like for other Countries to come here and meet with Palin as VP---not because she is a woman, I think Hillary would have made an awesome President. I wonder what it would be like when someone asked her a direct question about something (anything) and she changed the subject or skirts the answer like she has done so many times. Just go back to the Couric interviews LOL I love SNL...thank GOD for Tina Fey! I can say that at least Sarah Palin has a good sense of humor and was a good sport last week when they had her on. Okay, I guess that is enough for one day. 1 more thing...my neighbors are going to just love me. I ordered a NO on Prop 8 sign and I can't wait to put it out in my yard :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Goodnight Goon!

OMG, the kids and I have always loved the book Goodnight Moon and now there is a Halloween parody of the book called Goodnight Goon---SO cute! I read it to Jack's class today and then we went through each book and saw the differences in the 2 books. The kids loved it, and it was so Halloweenish. It has been a great week so far, the kids doing their homework without whining, all the neighbors coming here to play and almost no fighting. The trampoline is keeping the kids out of the house most of the time.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Monday is usually my day. I don't work in the kids classes and so I hang around the house and do some laundry, pay some bills and watch a little TIVO'd TV. Well, my DH stayed home today---he's sick, sick of work maybe. He is working on the playhouse, putting some stain on the new wood moldings he did yesterday while I took the kids to a Halloween party in Fullerton. Then he is going to mow the lawns, fix Jack's door and some other stuff he just never finds time to do. SO< I am trying to look busy and stay off the computer a little so he thinks I do stuff while he is at work LOL I also got to pay 2 parking tickets I have gotten in the last 2 weeks. Both street sweeping tickets that I got while working at Jack's school. They don't have the signs posted in front of the school (the officer I spoke to as he wrote my 2nd one said it is posted as you drive into the tract) and it is on a different day and time than the street sweeping in my neighborhood. So, I will now park in the school lot everytime I work in the class because I don't want to have to tell Ken I got another parking ticket in a few weeks. He already said me working in the class is costing us too much money LOL 76 bucks so far! Street sweeping ticket giving yahoo's.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I got tagged

7 random facts about me huh?

1. I married my only sweetheart
2. I had brain surgery at 23, because of a vascular anomoly that caused me to have a stroke
3. I have 2 kids, that I love dearly, but always wonder what life would have been like if I had waited longer to have them (I was 25 and 27 when I had them)
4. I need to lose like 50 pounds to be comfortable in my own skin
5. My life is changing right now, and I don't know if I am ready to say goodbye to my old one
6. I love that I am a SAHM, but I sometimes wish I worked a regular job so I could have more alone time with other adults, and we could have more money
7. I haven't felt motivated to blog in a long time, and it took getting tagged from my long lost friend Michelle to get me back here---in case you read this Michelle, we miss you!