Today was a windy day...still is actually. We went to Steph and Amelia's house again today for a walk. It is a good walk and much easier to do with the kids then the HB park near my house. Definately worth the traffic to get to Orange. I think I may try just driving up Chapman and saee how that is. The park is noce, but we have such a time keeping the kids from wanting to play at the park and stay in the stroller. You should have seen us walking today. The wind was blowing, the strollers (mostly mine) would get caught up in pine cones and the kids were eating half their caloric intake on our walk. They really are funny to watch.
The walk is good for me because 1) it is a form of exercise and we walked for at least 1 hour, and 2) it keeps me from eating. Today we had to leave Amelia's early since it is Wednesday and Jack had something up his butt. He really likes Jeff's laser level and kept wanting to play with it. He got upset when Steph put it away...so his feelings were hurt and he wanted to go home. We got to the car and he got in his seat and he asked for McDonalds. I got him a happy meal on the way home and I didn't get anything for myself. He played with the toy and ate 1 nugget and drank his drink. Now I should put him down for a nap or he will be overly whiney.
BTW, Amelia was so darling when we left...standing at the screen door yelling "bye bye bye" as we left LOL