Kathy's Blog

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hey Guys!

Well, today started out as a crappy day---but I woke up knowing it would be. Today I had to go to the DMV (dun dun dun) and renew my license. I tell you the DMV has it out for me. In 1999 I had a small seizure episode (2 tonic clonic grand mal seizures) in one evening separated by about 30 minutes. I had a small stroke as well but had no impairements from it. Unfortunately, the hospital is required to notify the DMV if you have an unexplained loss of consciousness. Yeah, how nice that if I had taken drugs or fallen on my head it would have been fine, but because I was sober and no history of falling down recently, they said it was potentially late onset epilepsy. So I go through a couple months of seeing specialists and all that and have surgery to remove a vascular angioma in the brain. I had brain surgery---and a top neurosurgeon cleared me and said i would never have another seizure, at least relating to this anamoly that he removed. The DMV has had me on their radar ever since. I have never had an accident, never had a moving violation, and never had another loss of consciousness but everytime my license comes up for renewal I have to go down there and do the written, visual testing and a new picture and thumb print. I was so pissed when I saw that stupid renewal letter again. WHY can't I just renew online like most everyone else. Anyway, I get down there and they waive the written and then they have me do the vision test. Heck, easy enough right? I had a full vision screening last month and picked up my new glasses on Friday in time to take my test today. So I get up to the window and fail...I could have passed if the stupid lady had given me one more second but she said I got the letter P wrong on line 2 because it was actually the letter D. Anyway, she said she had to refer me back to my eye specialist and have them fill out my vision screening before she will renew my license. I get in the car and call the eye doc and tell him my drama at the DMV and they say come on in and they will look into my problem. I get there and they take me right back and pretty much give me a full vision screening again. When I went last month I got the main doctor's intern or partner or whatever but it wasn't the main guy. Today I saw the main guy and he looked at my glasses, did the whole eye test again---you knwo the one where they say :is this better or is this better" and he found that the RX I had for my new glasses is totally wrong! He found my correct RX and I did the test and with the glasses and my vison is corrected to 20/20 on the right and 20/30+ on the left. The left eye is a little weaker but he said it is 20/30+ because I can see some of the eye chart on the 20/20 line with the left eye just not all of it. Anyway, now I have to wait 1 week to get the new glasses and then the eye doc will fill out the form with the corrected vision of 20/20 and 20/30+ and I should be all free and clear of that damned DMV for another 5 years until they want me to renew again. I did however, get some more X-mas shopping done after I left the eye docs office. I am now finished with everyone except Audrey, my mom and Kineche (ken's employee) and a couple stocking stuffers for Ken. The kids are done, Amelia and Anthony are done, my sister is done, and my nephew is done except for his gift certificate but I just have to go tomorrow to pick it up. Oh, and I have some ornaments to pick up for a couple exchanges I have this week.


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